Friday, August 17, 2007

emLogs Namibia #12 Jet Lagged but with Clean Laundry - 08.05.07

By all accounts, I do believe I made it back to the U.S. in one piece. We err-- I didn't have any problems at any of the airports. Mike lost one of his pieces of luggage from Windhoek to London. Brandon seemed to red flag every security guard at all the airports.

The layovers were a lot shorter coming back then going there. In true Namibian fashion, they served us yet another bizarre breakfast of potatoes, baked beans, green scrambled eggs and a roll. The roll was tastey.

I did finish Harry Potter 7 and actually finished it as we flew over Provo. Yep, five minutes to spare! Good stuff there. But I won't say anymore than that.

As for my future endeavors, Mike told me, "the sky is the limit". Whether I go back to Namibia, I'm not sure. The Digital Media department requires two senior projects. The DNA Project is one and as for the other, I can safely say a Finn may be involved...

As for this monster jet lag, I am so messed up when it comes to time, it's laughable. I woke up at 5:30am and I am wide awake. But hey, I have clean laundry that smells nice and is soft. I am in a good place right now.

I hope everyone enjoyed these emLogs, because I sure enjoyed writing them and sharing of some of my random adventures. I hope to have more in the future.

Love always,


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