Friday, July 3, 2009

emLogs #01 - Capilano Bridge

We made it to Vancouver and was surprised to see sunny skies (Salt Lake has been throwing me off with all the rain). Then Vancouver did a very Vancouver thing and rained on us.

Leavitt and I dropped our stuff at the hotel and headed to Capilano bridge-- the largest suspension bridge of some sort. There is a lot to see there, but the most entertaining thing was watching this poor Asian woman weep and wail her way across the large suspension bridge. By the time you get to the middle it is swaying back and forth above a large gorge-- very Indiana Jones.

She death gripped the sides and her husband had to drag her forward the whole time. I did hear some kids start crying, but it was nothing like this lady. Hmm, I never did see if she made it back to the other side.

Capilano Suspension Bridge is an awesome place, it's the northern part with huge douglas firs and suspension bridge trails that weave through the treetops! I seriously expecting some ewoks to show up (or Cylons, vampires or MacGyver depending on how big of a nerd you are).

By the time we headed back to the ferry, Leavitt and I were pretty hungry. We went to this great Japanese restaurant and had the whole place to ourselves! We decided to do the seafood thing since we were in a seafood hot spot.

We had a great time running around downtown Vancouver. It's almost 9pm and we're already dead tired. Tomorrow we take off at noon and take our 12 hour flight to Shanghai. I hope that Asian lady won't be on the flight, we'll have to sedate her with alcohol!

- Em

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