Remember how we went swimming in the Atlantic Ocean this past weekend? What I didn't realize is that we were not alone there in the bay. Susan and Charmaine were on the other side of pier and then Susan noticed that there was a shark the size of a dolphin swimming in our direction. It must have smelled the bait the fisherman were throwing. Anyway, she didn't know we were swimming there in the ocean, it was pretty cold, so who would want to? Apparently there was a shark in that bay sometime that month already eating people (hehe). I didn't find out till after the fact, ah well, it made for a good laugh!
These last few days have been non-stop work. Well, that's not entirely true, we've played some too. Monday we went to the national archives to speak with Warner about their archiving/cataloging process. By the end of that session I think my brain completely shutdown. In fact, every time we sit down to work on the naming conventions, it becomes incredibly hard to focus. Maybe it's because it tends to be a boring part of the project. In fact, I'm bored just writing about it.
We have been discussing possibilities of how to properly name and organize a digital national archive. Today we will be writing up a proposal on all that. Now that it's almost the end we have something to do every evening. Next week is the press conference and then Mike will be on "Good Morning Namibia" that same day.
Speaking of press. Deseret News did a little story on us from July 19th I think. Anyway, here is the link for that:,1249,695192542,00.html
As for the pop culture side of things, last night Susan, Ella and me went to a dinner and a movie. We decided to pick the perfect movie for a girl's night out--- Die Hard 4! I admit, I liked it.
Before hand, I was really wanting to buy Harry Potter 7. I haven't had time to go look for it and so we swung by the book store and there it was. Unfortunately it is the kid's version, so the cover is kind of stupid. What's most important is the story is the same. This will be my reading material for the plane trip home. The reality is, I will probably be dead asleep the whole 36 hours back.
After the movie we went to the Cattle Baron again. I don't know what I was thinking, chicken?! Why did I order chicken?! I swear, we eat chicken at least for two meals every day. Once I get home, I do not want to see another chicken for a long, long time!
This morning for breakfast we were served cream of wheat and fish sticks. Meal combinations seem to be getting progressively weirder. Ah well, what can you do? I tend to eat more bananas anyway. I probably have twenty pounds of potassium floating around in my body by now.
The rest of the week will be spent working on the project and then we will top it off with our jaunt to Etosha wildlife preserve. I've had a taste of the danger, so now I have this deep desire to see if I can touch a hippo...
Happy hunting.
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